April 6: Sees, Hears, Knows

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When asked to write something for Shelter in Peace, though I was extremely honored to be asked, my first thought was, “Mmm, I actually am enjoying this time and I am not sure that is what women want to hear….”

As an optimist, I see more advantages to “shelter in place” than I see disadvantages. I see this as a time to connect with God and our family/others in a stronger, deeper way. I see this as a time to get my “to do list,” my “want to do list,” and my “want-to-try-but-do-not-have-the-time-to-do-list” done. I see it as a time to slow down, giving me more time to write those extra notecards that need to be written, make those phone calls that did not happen yesterday, etc.

One of my favorite Bible stories is the story of Hagar (Genesis 16). As you recall, she definitely was between a rock and a hard place--in the desert with no one to help her, no “zoom” to zoom on, and no one to call. With no one who cared about her, guess who showed up? You are right, an angel of the Lord. God saw, God heard, and as I tell my preschoolers, God knew. God knows everything! Like Hagar’s situation which was no surprise to Him, COVID-19 is no surprise to Him either. God SEES, God HEARS and God KNOWS. The best news of all is that Jesus cannot get this virus. He is totally healthy and social distancing is not something we need to fear in talking to Him

God/Jesus sees your predicament. He knows bills are not getting paid. He knows your kids are driving you crazy. He knows you miss your friends and going out. He knows you wish your husband was back at work. He knows, He sees and He hears

He also sees your piles of laundry that need folding, the emails that need to be answered, the “to do” lists that are growing longer. You name it, He knows it! 

Just like God provided for Hagar, He will provide for you. In the midst of your dark hour, He will provide. Look for His light, whether it is an encouraging note you got from a friend, the fact that your kids are healthy, that you have a roof over your heads so you can shelter in place, etc. 

As you see God’s faithfulness in providing for you, you too can be a “provision” for someone else—a plate of cookies on someone’s doorstep, a mask sewn for a hospital worker, or even a cheerful hello while taking a walk can brighten someone’s day and remind them of God’s care over them. 

We know that this too shall pass, but in the meantime, we can live with confidence and peace, knowing we know the God who knows!  

Shelter in Peace,

Ingrid Register

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