March 29: Blessed Assurance & Peculiar Joy
I’ve been thinking on the lyrics of the song “Blessed Assurance.” Delightful poet and hymn writer, Fanny Crosby, penned the lyrics in the 1800’s. I’ve become a big fan of Miss Crosby’s. She is absolutely remarkable. She memorized more whole chapters of Scripture in her lifetime than anyone else I’ve heard of. She’s described as having “a trust and faith in God as firm as the everlasting hills” and a cheerfulness that increased rather than diminished as she aged into her 90’s (Favorite Women Hymn Writers by Jane Stuart Smith and Betty Carlson). That’s who I want to be! Lots of Scripture banked in me, a firm, persevering, anchored trust in God that showcases His trustworthiness, and a hardy cheerfulness of spirit that increases through time and hardship, because I know my God to be the extractor of good.
For today’s morsel of encouragement, let’s savor some lyrics from Blessed Assurance and a prayer in response.
After the song begins with the lyric—
Blessed Assurance, Jesus is mine!
The third verse reads—
Perfect submission- all is at rest,
I in my savior am happy and blest;
Watching and waiting, looking above,
Filled with his goodness, lost in his love.
Father, make the posture of my heart,
one of wholehearted surrender to you, perfect submission.
May I live & choose & speak
out of the confidence that—all is at rest
because You are in control and extracting good.
When I become restless, return my soul to its rest in You.
Make me happy in You, my Savior.
May my cheerfulness increase.
May I praise you all day long.
In this weird time of waiting, I’m watching
for what You’re up to;
I’m looking to You.
Fix the eyes of my heart on you, Lord.
You are the Author & Perfecter of my faith and
I wouldn’t want it any other way.
To end, here’s a beloved quote of Miss Crosby’s:
One of the earliest resolves that I formed
in my young heart was to leave all care
to yesterday and to believe that
the morning would bring forth its own peculiar joy.
Let’s watch for today’s peculiar joy and thank God that because Jesus is ours, our assurance, is unshakable.
Shelter in Peace,
Natalie Moog