Throughout 2022, small teams from VBC have taken trips to Ukraine & Poland to continue serving the people impacted by the war. Below are updates from Pat and Sheila Smith in Poland. You can also follow our team on Instagram @vbcinukraine.
Questions about this trip or missions? Contact us at for more information.
November 30th, 2022
Привіт/cześć/hello from Poland 🌻
We are coming to the end of our time here and we are truly blessed to have deepened our relationships with the Kutno Pentecostal Church and the Ukraine church.
So much has happened in the last week it’s almost too much to write. So I will write a summary.
The Antioch school teaching classes came to an end this Saturday. To see everyone taking the classes come to realize that -the household of God is not just meant for the first century church but God has always had this plan -truly has been an amazing journey.
There’s still work to do for us when we come home to California in terms of learning more vocabulary words in Ukraine. When we taught the word of God or expressed the truth of God‘s word we had a translator make sure everything was understood in the Ukrainian language. Our translator, Аля, traveled an entire day from Ukraine to Kutno in order to make sure the refugees understood everything being taught to them. She worked tirelessly with us as we each had multiple teaching times. She had to make sure everything was translated correctly. We have a deep respect for those men and women who take the time to make sure God‘s word is correctly translated into every language.
We did more one-on-one training with the Kutno Pentecostal Church of Poland. Our host couple, Pastor Arek and his wife Donna, translated everything for us. The English class Sheila developed will continue on when she returns to the states. Everyone has made a commitment for Mondays 6 AM California time and 3 PM Poland time to continue learning English. Pat was able to take part in a basketball night. He shared how our community ministry uses sports as a means to enjoy the fellowship of believers and reach out to people in the surrounding area. It was an honor and a privilege (that we do not take lightly) for us to teach the ways of Christ to this congregation. They opened their arms wide to receive us in the love of Jesus.
We were able to meet up again with one of the refugee families we met the last time we were here who have now settled into the area. There are still refugees coming into Kutno as the war continues. As we pack up to leave three more refugee families will be arriving into the area to find shelter in the safe house the church has set up. There are so many women here without their husbands or fathers or sons. The safe house has become a sanctuary for these families.
Tomorrow we will finish our time supplying the aid that will be used for the next two weeks. Sheila has developed a relationship with one of the refugee women who will start to see if this can be her ministry-helping to bag all the groceries, hand them out to the refugees, listen to their stories about coming over and praying with them. Who better than someone who has experienced the same trials and sufferings. God has turned her trials and suffering into joyful work. The first time we came to Poland as strangers and left as friends. This time we came as friends and left truly as brothers and sisters of the same family of God.
Until we meet again.
Patrick & Sheila Smith
Praise God for His goodness and kindness. Our Heavenly Father provides generously for His people. He desires us to participate in the equipping and building up of His church.
So many languages… many words to be said and heard. We have been busy but not over scheduled. We want to glorify God by giving each person or group our complete attention while we are with them. Here is the end of our first week. 🤗
Thursday, Nov 10
We got on the road at 7:30am to reconnect with a brother in Christ we met 3 months ago in Kyiv, Ukraine. Anton and his church started the Antioch School about 6 years ago. During this time he has started the painstaking process of translating Antioch material into the Ukraine language as well as Russian, as many of the eastern Ukrainians speak that language. It was a great reunion and we headed back to Kutno with electronic versions of studies for our Ukrainian friends.
Sheila had her English class and Pat went to the town square for outreach to the homeless and those in need.
Friday, Nov 11
Polish Independence Day! This day celebrates the end of WW1 when Poland existed as a country for the first time in 123 years.
This morning we had coffee with our hosts, Pastor Arek and his wife Donna. We discussed the church and what training would be helpful. Later in the morning Pat met with one of the future leaders, within the Kutno church, named Kuba. They are to start studying the Antioch School material together while we are here. We finished the night with both Ukrainian and Polish church prayer time. Many languages and many words. How beautiful is was to our ears❣️
Saturday, Nov 12
Good news. A Ukrainian translator arrived to help with our conversations. 🎉Her name is Alya and she has been a great help.
Pat went with 2 of the Ukraine Church’s leaders, Sasha and his assistant Sergei, to buy food for the refugees who live in hostels/hotels in the city. We bought about 1,000 lbs of food. That was the good news, the bad news is Sheila, Sergei and Pat had to pack it.
We attended a baptism class and spoke on baptism. They will be baptizing 5 new members next Sunday.
Sunday, Nov 13
We attended a combined Communion service with the Polish and Ukrainian church. We got to see some of the people we first met when we were here in July.
After lunch with Pastor Arek and Donna we went to the Ukrainian youth group meeting. We shared our testimonies and how we have grown together in Christ.
The highlight of the night was Sheila winning a raucous dice game.
Monday, Nov 14
Today we met many of the refugees that live in Kutno. After packing the food bags we distributed them. We were able to speak with many (thanks again to Alya) and pray with them.
Sheila practiced her languages and then had another English class. Pat reviewed the First Principles Series with the Ukraine leader, Sasha.
Afterwards, Sheila went to the refugee safehouse to teach 13 women how to crochet. Her message “How the family of God is knitted together “. We ended our night with a wonderful time of fellowship at Kuba and his wife Kasha’s home for their Life group.
We are tired today but full of joy knowing your prayers are with us.
November 9th, 2022
By Sheila Smith
Cześć / привіт / Hello from Kutno,Poland
We arrived Monday, November 7th in the afternoon. With one stop for a few hours our total travel time was just shy of 15 hours. We both were able to sleep on the plane and surprisingly we did not experience any jet lag.
Our first day was with our host family, Pastor Arek and his wife Donna, from the Kutno Pentecostal Church. We spent time listening to their heart needs and praying with them for — the Lord‘s direction in the equipping and building up of their church and the new Ukraine church (formed because of the war and the refugees coming into their area.)
Since then:
Pastor Arek was able to see how Valley Bible Church develops and encourages their teaching pastors with the teaching team meeting that occurs every Tuesday afternoon with Pat.
Sheila already had her first student in practicing and developing their English language skills.
We met with the Ukraine church leaders to continue building a relationship together in order to help establish their new church and develop their leaders.
Pat was able to help Pastor Arek with the inside construction (😂)of furniture in his new home with a group of men from the church. And in doing so further building relationships with the men.
We continue to practice our own language skills in Polish and Ukraine. As you can imagine this is quite difficult but we definitely sense the Lord‘s grace in creating a desire for us to want to know the languages.
The next three weeks are in the hands of our God & Savior whom we serve.
1. We would be sensitive to the people we are serving. Not overstepping with our suggestions or input.
2. All involved with this work of God are sensitive to the Holy Spirit leading- realizing it is God’s church we are all establishing and equipping for the work of building His kingdom.
3. We would discern opportunities and solutions within the Ukraine/Polish churches in how they relate to each other (culturally sensitive to each other) and work together for the furtherance of the gospel of Jesus Christ.
4. We would be a breath of refreshment to the refugees who are tired and longing for the war to end, their loved ones to come back and be able to go home.
Until we meet again.
Patrick & Sheila Smith
Philemon 1:7, NIV
Your love has given me great joy and encouragement, because you, brother and sister, have refreshed the hearts of the Lord’s people.