Crossing Campus (7106 Johnson Dr., Pleasanton)
Thursday, May 6th is the National Day of Prayer—an entire day devoted to focused time in prayer. Our focus is on our nation and the National Day of Prayer’s theme this year is Love, Life, & Liberty.
During the Day: You are invited to come to our Crossing campus anytime between 7 AM and 7 PM to spend uninterrupted time in prayer. We will have various prayer prompts you can use individually and staff members available to pray with you if you’d like. (7 AM to 5 PM we will be in the Auditorium, 5 PM - 7 PM we will be in Seminar One Room.) This is a great opportunity to focus our hearts & minds on the Lord, pray for our nation, and intercede for others.
EXTOL in the Evening: Then, join us again at 7 PM for EXTOL— a time of prayer & praise in the Auditorium at the Crossing campus. We will end the day with a time of corporate prayer and worship.