11 AM | Crossing campus (7106 Johnson Dr., Pleasanton)
Join us for our outdoor worship service this Sunday including worship through music, a message, and more! We’ll be gathering in the parking lot at the Crossing Campus at 11:00 a.m. We be continuing the series, Who We Are, and will hear a message on the Bible.
Parking will be on the north and south sides of the Crossing Campus building and in the Bay Club parking lot. Registration is required; please sign up through the button below and see the registration page for the event guidelines. When you arrive, stop by one of our check-in tables to verify your registration.
You can watch the service from home! Visit vbc.online/church-online to view the livestream of the service at 11 am on Sunday morning. Connect Groups are currently meeting at various times & locations— Visit our Connect Group page for more info!