Outdoor Worship:
On Sunday morning, November 1st, you’re invited to attend an outdoor family worship service featuring live music, message, and so much more! We’ll be gathering in the parking lot at the Crossing Campus at 10:00 a.m. All ages are welcome!
Parking will be on the north and south sides of the Crossing Campus building and in the Bay Club parking lot. When you arrive, stop by one of our check-in tables to verify your registration. Please sign-up by clicking here or through the REGISTER button below.
You can still watch the service from home! Visit vbc.online/church-online to view the livestream of the service at 10 am on Sunday morning. Connect Groups are still meeting at various times & locations.
Also, Daylight Saving ends this Sunday and we "fall back" an hour, so remember to set your clocks accordingly for Sunday morning!