The Gift of Peace 

When the topic of peace arises most people feel quite positive about it; peace is highly desired, even if hard to define. More often than not, people seek to define it in the negative as the absence of conflict. This certainly is true but fails to do justice to our term. Positively stated, peace describes an ease and comfort between people or groups. 

Calm, trust or harmony might also characterize a peaceful relationship. It is a wonderful, inviting concept that appeals to almost everyone-a highly desirable idea indeed! 

In His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus elevated the value of peace by honoring the “peacemakers” by identifying them as “sons of God” for being such. Jesus’ value given to peace-making fits well with His purpose in coming to earth: He came “to guide our feet into the way of peace” (Luke 1:79); this means to live peacefully with other people. As Jesus’ people, God instructs us to work hard at getting along within the church: “So then let us pursue what makes for peace and for mutual upbuilding” (Rom 14:19); the Savior made it possible to experience such peace with one another. 

 We find the most important aspect of peace in our relationship with God. Jesus established peace for us with God “by the blood of His cross” (Col 1:20); the same author says it a bit differently in Romans 5:1 – “Therefore, since we have been justified by faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.” Only through Jesus’ death (this paid the price for our sins) can we be forgiven and be at peace with God. This peace and ease with God rests entirely on Jesus, our Savior and risen Lord. This ultimate peace with God, then, makes peace with others possible; when we live at ease with God, then we can live at ease with people. Merry Christmas! 

For Discussion/Reflection:

  1. How would you describe what “peace” is like? Can you think of a family member or friend you enjoy spending time with? What is it about that person you enjoy? Why are you at peace with one another? 

  2. Why do you think that living at peace with others was so important to Jesus? Do you have any ideas about why it is sometimes hard to live at peace with others? 

  3. What did Jesus do establish peace between each of us and God? How does peace with God help us to live at peace with people? 



Thank you, Heavenly Father, for sending Jesus to earth so many years ago. Thank you for His death on the cross and His rising from the grave three days later because this is how Jesus created peace between You and us. And we thank You so much for making it possible for us to live in peace with each other so we can enjoy those You put into our lives. Thank You for the gift of Your Son so many Christmases ago. We love You! 

Author: Gary Darnell, Elder, Teaching Pastor

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